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Contact us for any questions, concerns, or inquires. Please note any medical advice diagnosis or treatment should be directed to your personal physician or healthcare provider. A healthcare provider may be a doctor, physician assistant, or an advanced practice nurse such as a nurse practitioner. You should not seek advice from a healthcare provider regarding a subject that is outside of their scope of practice. 

We are dedicated to staying ahead of the curve when it comes to being innovative and current with new practices. Please feel free to reach out to our customer support with any suggestions. We are open to new ideas regarding blog topics as well as any new services we may be able to offer in order to better help the community.

In the case that you are unable to submit communication through the “Contact us” form then please direct your questions, comments, or suggestions to Support@holistichealthremedy.com.

We are pleased and thankful for the opportunity to help get you back on track to a healthy lifestyle conducive of proper spiritual health, quality sleep, and a pain free lifestyle through our forums, blogs, and services.

Thank you for being a patron to the site and please direct anyone to us who you think may benefit from our services.