saving money

Holistic Self-Care: Getting Healthy While Saving Money

saving money

Holistic Self-Care: Getting Healthy While Saving Money; To be in good shape, you need to address your various health-related needs effectively. Your health is more than just about physical fitness – it’s more holistic and comprises aspects like your mental, emotional, and financial well-being too, as the GRCC can confirm.

A lack of resources often acts as a barrier to health for many. For instance, not everyone has the money, time, energy, or inclination to go to the gym or follow a fancy Mediterranean diet plan. Fortunately, you don’t necessarily have to break the bank to be healthy. You could secure holistic wellness with some smart self-care planning and a few tweaks to your lifestyle.

In this mini-guide, Holistic Health Remedy offers advice on some ways you can get healthy while saving money:

Change up your food-shopping habits

Your food has a massive influence on your health. Often, people buy easy, convenient food to save money. There are several ways you can afford healthy food on a budget – buying non-perishables in bulk, buying seasonal fruits and veggies, stocking up during sales, using coupons, planning your meals out (so you don’t buy extra), and going shopping after meals (so you don’t buy hungry).

Work out at home

You don’t need to join the gym or attend a paid yoga class to be fit – you could work out at home for free and still attain a similar level of fitness. You can follow online tutorials or use exercise apps to create personalized workouts. Playing team sports is often free and may also help you to stay fit.

Take advantage of your employee benefits

You should explore your employee wellness options if you haven’t already. Many employers offer benefits like gym memberships, mental health counseling, food coupons, and wellness retreats. This is on top of the usual dental and health insurance.

Download free health apps

Health apps are easy to download and boost your health in novel ways, such as by helping you meditate, streaming motivating music for workouts, tracking your calorie intake, and helping you come up with tailored self-care routines. Best of all, many such apps are free. Hello! lists 23 innovative health apps that are worth checking out.

Go outside in nature

Nature is good for your health in various ways. It naturally reduces your stress, lowers your blood pressure, and makes your heart rate more stable, says a Psychology Today report. Simply taking a walk for a few minutes in a nearby park, forest, or nature-related setting goes a long way toward keeping you healthy.

Choose to spend time with healthy people

The people you spend time with have a massive influence on your mental state, happiness, motivation levels, and everything else. You should aim to spend time with people who are good for you – that is, your friends and family. If you have toxic people in your life, you could limit your interactions with them.

Keeping a clean and healthy home

Your home is the place you likely spend the most time in. As such, keeping a clean, beautiful, light, and healthy home influences your health in a positive way. Vacuuming often is a good idea – it removes dust mites, pet dander, and other allergens from the air. It also prevents allergic reactions and respiratory distress. It’s ideal to vacuum hardwood floors once a week and carpets twice a week. If you have a pet that sheds, you should vacuum at least every other day.

Consider holistic wellness products

Wellness products can give your health a boost. An oil diffuser or incense holder, for instance, can make the air smell good, help you relax, improve clarity and focus, clear your airways for better breathing, and even ease aching joints. Fitness gear, sleep aids, and health supplements are other products worth exploring.

How being healthy equals more money in the bank

Good health is far from a drain on resources. In fact, it leads to financial savings. You pay lower insurance premiums, have fewer sick days, and have extra energy for work, which makes you more productive (and could help you make more money). If you pick up healthy hobbies – such as biking or hiking – you have cheap entertainment. Because of reduced weight fluctuations, you spend less on clothes. You don’t have to visit the doctor as often, either.

You can even make money from your healthy lifestyle

Good health is always in demand – people pay money to learn how to be healthy or for wellness products or services. If you have a healthy lifestyle going, you could monetize it in some way. For instance, you could start an affiliate-marketing blog on how to save money through wellness practices. You could even open a yoga studio or sell sports gear, depending on your passions.

If you choose to make money from your healthy lifestyle, it’s a good idea to make it an official business and register an LLC in your state. An LLC enjoys several benefits, like limited liability, tax advantages, easier paperwork, and more flexibility. Before you register an LLC in Michigan, check the related rules and requirements in your state.

Don’t forget to market your business. A simple but extremely effective way to do so is via business cards. Business cards leave a lasting impression on potential clients. They are more visible than email, not to mention more personal, and give clients something tangible to hold on to. Designing a personalized business card is simple. You just use a pre-made template that you can customize by adding images, text, color schemes, and a font of your choice.


Creating a well-rounded self-care plan will help you achieve good health. A self-care consists of activities you can do day in and day out to reach your health-related goals. It gives you a sense of routine that can motivate you and help you stay on track with your fitness goals.

Image via Unsplash

Article courtesy of Marty Craig @ The Wellness Scale