Naturopathic Doctor

The Truth About Holistic Health Remedies

This article will consider the truth about holistic health remedies and therapies. Sometimes people defer treating a problem because they become fed up with their doctors. Consequently, patients are turning to Naturopathic Physicians after running out of options. Naturopathic medical practitioners are frequently referred to as quacks by traditional physicians.

On the other hand, Holistic health remedies are not in a category of either of those two systems. Furthermore, holistic health is not about anti-vaxxing; It is not against traditional physicians. Nor are we advocating for naturopathic providers.

We will explore this and dig in a bit deeper. Let’s examine the difference between Naturopathic Physicians, traditional/allopathic doctors, and holistic remedies that use alternative and complementary therapies.

Demystifying Holistic Practices

On my path to holism, I went through many phases. At one point, I even considered becoming a Naturopathic Physician. After learning more about the program, I quickly realized that it was not for me. At this time naturopathic programs consist of only 3-4 years of education.

Instead of complementing the current health system, Naturopath’s concept aligns itself with replacing the traditional physician. Yet to displace M.D.’s and D.O.’s with Naturopathic Doctors is a strategy that is not practical.

Naturopathic Physicians may use preventative education so as to lead you towards a better path. However, the idea of substituting Naturopaths in place of traditional doctors can lead to a cascade of negative impacts. Moreover, Naturopathic Doctors have good ideas, but they receive very little training and usually do not even complete a residency!

Snake oil

The snake-oil salesman

A snake oil remedy is typically associated with scamming the public. Additionally they are also based on deceptive marketing in addition to fraudulent health care activity. Snake oils were previously sold as a cure-all elixir for various health problems. During the early 19th-century and 18th-century, snake oil concoctions were marketed and advertised to the public. They were based on the premise that one solution could cure a wide range of ailments.1

Snake oil remedies became known as falsely advertised after their popularity fell in the mid-19th century. As a result, people moved to a more traditional medical system. A system of scientific studies rather than the word of a traveling salesman.

The deceptive practices have previously thrown huge misconceptions on the system of holistic care. As a consequence, the snake oil concoctions have given complementary and alternative medicine a bad reputation. Take a glance at some of the myths and truths of complementary medicine practices.

Truth abouth Holistic health



The myths about holistic health

  • Holistic care consists of snake oil remedies
  • Complementary practices are all based on Chinese medicine
  • Holistic care goes against conventional medicine

The truth about holistic health

  • Many studies prove the effectiveness of complementary medicine2
  • The holistic approach Includes remedies from Eastern and Western systems
  • Holistic health is complementary and accompanies conventional practices


The Truth about Holistic Health Approach

Understanding the Holistic approach can be immensely complicated. In part because it encompasses such a wide variety of healthcare adjuncts. However, many studies have shown the proven effects of holistic therapies. Complementary techniques are practiced in the hospital setting and used to treat a variety of issues.

One example you can see through comprehensive studies showing that inhaling isopropyl alcohol positively affects the reduction of postoperative nausea and vomiting. Sniffing the scent of alcohol can even work better than some common nausea medications like Ondansetron. I have personally seen and tried this out myself as a Recovery Nurse with patients, and it works.3

An average of about 75% of patients reports a decrease in nausea due to of inhaling the isopropyl alcohol. The intervention is a type of aromatherapy. Holistic remedies are not just a made-up science, and I have the experience and knowledge to back that up.

One truth about holistic health is it’s not just a quick fix

 Holistic health revolves around the premise that you can commit to a mindset and also a lifestyle change. Holism refers to the fact that a consideration of our whole body needs to take place when making a change. There is no magic pill that you can take for the adjustment to be successful.

There are two types of people in the world; Firstly are those that realize they want to be in touch with the mind, body, and soul. Then there are those people that form excuses for not working to improve themselves.

The holistic system, Ayurveda, and natural remedies are not just a quick fix because it requires a change in mentality. A new approach to life is the basis of what it takes to turn your health around. Just gathering information is not enough. We need to go through a transformation of the mind, body, and spirit!

The background of complementary and alternative medicine

So, here’s the thing; Holistic remedies get lumped in together with naturopathic approaches, and there is a big difference between the two. The focus of the naturopathy concept is on the body’s ability to heal itself. Naturopathy is not focused solely on ancient Asian practices.

Ayurveda originated in India and encompassed the idea of influencing health through natural remedies. Herbs and minerals are a significant component of Ayurvedic teachings. Diet and mindfulness are also crucial factors included in the system of holistic health.

Each person requires a unique approach on their journey to wellness. The best method for bettering oneself is tailored based on your situation. Some people have complex disease processes, yet others could appear overall healthy and yearn to tap into their spiritual self.

The shortfalls of current physicians

The current Western healthcare system has many, many shortfalls. You probably didn’t grow up eating the healthiest foods. I can remember eating frozen Salisbury steak as a kid and thinking it was amazing! Our parents didn’t know any better because doctors weren’t teaching proactive behavior.

Most physicians have not trained to take the time and educate you about preventative measures like healthy eating and stress reduction. Primary care doctors and other types of physicians aim treat a problem with medicine or surgery. Furthermore, Doctors address your issues after you are already showing signs of ailments or a disease condition!

Medicine by itself cannot cure a disease. The spirit and mind are equally important and must also be in a state of healing for the body to repair itself. Therefore, we must continuously work to be at peace with our minds which will in turn better ourselves.


We reviewed the truth about holistic health

What’s next?

Complementary health remedies use approaches that typically are not part of conventional medicine. Integrative medicine incorporates complementary practices alongside traditional techniques to maximize your wellbeing. Given these points, We have revealed the truth about holistic health remedies and their relation to medicine.

To conclude, I encourage you to dive into the world of Holistic practices and natural remedies. Holistic medicine may not be the right fit for everyone. Do some research and discover if complementary medicine is the right approach for you.

Our medical world is going through a tremendous change right now. Holistic Health Remedy is the future of medicine; Studies have shown that integrative care is safe and effective!


  1. “Snake oil.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/snake%20oil. Accessed 17 Jul. 2021.
  2. Elshafie, H. S., & Camele, I. (2017). An overview of the biological effects of some mediterranean essential oils on human health. BioMed research international, 2017.
  3. Lindblad, A. J., Ting, R., & Harris, K. (2018). Inhaled isopropyl alcohol for nausea and vomiting in the emergency department. Canadian family physician Medecin de famille canadien, 64(8), 580.