insomnia man

Understanding Insomnia and sleeping secrets

This blog post describes the background of how I became involved in natural sleep remedies. I started Holistic Health Remedy based on my interest in using natural health to restore my own insomnia and health issues. I’m using my experience and education to guide and teach others how to regain their health mindfully and naturally.

I had been struggling with sleepless nights related to a disruption in my sleeping patterns; even though I was a health-conscious person, I had not prepared myself for the obstacles of getting to bed and staying sound asleep. This is where my journey began, and I hope you can all learn something from my experience and walk away with improved health and a better night’s sleep.

The insomnia starts.

It all started in 2016 after I had graduated from nursing school. I was a new nurse. Working midnights was wreaking havoc on my body. My eyes were puffy, my days flowed together with no separation, and I didn’t have mental clarity. After a year of being miserable, I decided to take a different approach. I discovered a path that would take me down a new road in my life.

My medical education had taught me about circadian rhythms and how they can become altered. A circadian rhythm is an internal clock that regulates our sleep-wake cycles. Glands and structures regulate the internal clock within our brain. They enable or inhibit when we fall asleep and when we wake up by releasing chemicals and hormones.

We are all different!

Each individual has different sleep-wake cycles depending on a variety of various factors. Although there are disease processes that can affect standard sleeping patterns, my instance of insomnia was due to a drastic shift in my sleeping patterns. The graveyard shift took a toll on me, and I needed to jump back into the driver’s seat.

Trouble sleeping

Mental functioning can take a big hit due to disturbances in your sleep cycle. Alterations can be minor and may be difficult to notice. Or they may be huge and cause a significant impact on your mental wellbeing. I needed to resolve the mental haze I was in, but I wasn’t sure how to do it.

Did nursing school give me all the answers?

It didn’t.

I finally realized that to restore the natural balance, I needed to further my education and understanding of my body’s behavior and physiology. I enrolled at Indiana Wesleyan University, where I had a very eye-opening and enlightening experience. My initial nursing education invoked a passion for natural healing, but the university is where I was inspired to connect mental wellbeing with physical health!

While attending IWU, I gained a greater appreciation for the connection between the mind and the body. I restored my own health and was also able to help my relatives and friends with their health problems as well. That brings us to now; I am expanding my path and hoping to influence and help others beyond my family and friends.

If improving your physical and mental health is important to you, then I invite you to follow us. You can support what we do at Holistic Health Remedy by subscribing, and you can also visit our social media pages to stay up to date and informed on current topics. Join us on the path to progress!